Mon – Fri:  7.30am to 5pm

Accredited by Umalusi, Council for Quality Assurance in General and Furthur Education and Training. Accreditation Number – SCH – 001585PA

"Learning for life"

The Cotswold Country Montessori School

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A member school of the South African Montessori Association.


51 Dickinson Road
Benoni North Agricultural Holding


Tel: 079 366 7772
Fax: 086 510 6538


Bev Hilder


May Selkirk

Business Manager

Craig Selkirk


The Cotswold
School Ethos
Primary School
Montessori Philosophy
Events Calendar
Terms Calendar

Our School Offers

Early Learning, Childcare, Preschool, Primary School, Crèche, Nursery school, Kindergarten, Day care, Playgroup, College, Aftercare, Vacation care, Education, Academy, Country school, Montessori

School Zones

Airfield, Alphen Park, Benoni, North Agricultural Holdings, Brentwood Park, Crystal Park, Cloverdene, Fairleads, Farrarmere, Goedeburg, Jatniel, Lakefield, Lakeside, Mackenzie Park, Morehill, Norton Estates, Northmead, Northvilla, Rynfield, The Stewards, Westdene, Western Extension, Cresslawn, Birchleigh, Kempton Park West, Edleen, Van Riebeeck Park, Glen Marais, Norkem Park, Allen Grove, Nimrod Park, Rhodesfield, Bonaero Park, Terenure, Esther Park, Aston Manor, Spartan, Croydon, Bredell, Pomona, Birch Acres, Birchleigh North, Atlasville, Bardene, Bartletts, Berton Park, Beyerspark, Boksburg, Boksburg Central, Boksburg East, Boksburg North, Boksburg South, Clearwater Estate, Dunswart, East Rand, Eveleigh, Farrar Park, Freeway Park, Groeneweide, Impala Park, Jansenpark, Jet Park, La Como Lifestyle Estate, Libradene, Parkdene, Parkhaven, Parkrand, Ravensklip, Ravenswood, Sunward Park

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